Via Santellone 29/a - Molinetto di Mazzano (BS)
+39 [0] 30 21 20 448
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00
Via Santellone 29/a - Molinetto di Mazzano (BS)
+39 [0] 30 21 20 448
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00
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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}If you are looking for a trustable partner for plastic milling, D.H. Lamina is right for you. Compared to turning, milling is the process of machining necessary to obtain a finished part starting from plates.
Whether 3-, 4- or 5-axis, our company can satisfy each kind of request from the market, being able to choose the most convenient process to reduce scraps and cut down machining times.
D.H. Lamina boasts a complete machinery fleet when it comes about plastic milling. This department is divided in two segments, for a total of 12 milling machines:
CNC milling machines. No.6 traditional CNC milling machines, with 3- and 4-axis.
CNC milling machines with vacuum system. An entire production plant dedicated to no.6 machines. Thanks to vacuum and nesting system big lot sizes become easier and faster to obtain, which means concrete benefits and improvements on part price.
5-axis. Complex parts and difficult geometries can be realized in our well-equipped workshop.
We can machine an extended range of dimensions:
Up to 3600 x 1600 mm. These are the biggest length and width we can machine on our CNC.
Thickness 400 mm. Depending on the geometry of the part we can mill components up to this thickness.
D.H. Lamina aims to be a lighthouse in the dark ocean of plastic materials.
A production company who can offer a full range of machining, to assure you just a unique speaker.
A wide range of semi-finished materials, made in EU, with superior quality when it comes about friction, wear, mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, to satisfy your wish to be the best.
A young but experienced team, always at your disposal: sales, purchasing, financial and technical assistance, you’ll never walk alone.
When it comes about additive manufacturing, even if it is not our core business, we are at your complete disposal to develop quality prototypes of complex parts, everything made of thermoplastics materials.
Find out more surfing our website or contact our experts here.